Max Pedelo, the missing session drummer from Electro Folk Rock Pop super group Wunderschnitzel has reemerged after being reported missing for nearly two years. Last seen heating a bowl of chile con carne at the Wunderschnitzel recording studio in Austria in 2007, he suddenly disappeared without trace, leaving his collection of 3,000 drum sticks behind. Today he launched a new man scent and accompanying ad campaign featuring him lying seductively in a masculine pose and welcomed interested media to his home in Manaus, the capital of The Amazon. When asked where he had been all this time he explained he had been ‘right here’, before adding his reasons for leaving Austria had been because he had feared for his life whilst recording with Wunderschnitzel on the unfinished album ‘Man Fat.’
‘Things weren’t good between Magnus and me. He detests drummers, except bongo players of course, he loves those.’ The former drummer for such groups as Innsbruck funksters ‘Das Hip Sound’ and Salzburg disco meisters ‘Blasmusik’ added that his attentions to create a jolly atmosphere in the Wunderschnitzel studio had been misunderstood. ‘After Ludwig's wife picked out my car keys from a bowl at a party in Klagenfurt and I got signed as the new Wunderschnitzel drummer I really tried to get the boys to like me, but some people just don’t find it funny when you steal a bit of money from them, eat all the food in the fridge, sell their cat to a Chinese take away and generally leave the place in a mess. I think practical jokes are wasted on most Austrian musicians.’ So one night he suddenly decided on a spur of the moment impulse to flee to The Amazon, firstly by taxi, then bus, then train, plane, train, then bus again and finally taxi, before becoming the session drummer for La Trigre Del Oriente. Here’s one of the tracks that he worked on.