Max Pedelo last week outside the Wunderschnitzel recording studio.
Yesterday it was revealed that legendary Euro-Folk-Rock-Pop group Wunderschnitzel had lost another drummer to mysterious circumstances, the fifth in two years. The group’s most recent addition Max Pedelo, who had previously drummed for Salzburg disco meisters-Blasmusik and Innsbruck funksters-Das Hip Sound, had only been recording with Wunderschnitzel for five days before he mysteriously disappeared. He had told Austrian newspaper, Der Standard earlier this month that he was extremely excited to join the band and was going to ship his entire collection of drum sticks, some 30,000 in total to the Wunderschnitzel studios in Vienna.
Magnus Glocken and Ludwig Speil, front men to the super group, told police on Friday that they had both seen Max in the kitchen at around midnight on Tuesday, reheating a bowl of chili con carne in the microwave, and that was the last time they saw him.
Their last drummer Gary Labbri disappeared in a snow storm in Canada while the band were in the North West Territories for the Great White North Tour. Before that Chanco Sudore vanished without trace, presumed drowned after falling over board while Wunderschnitzel were on a Bulgarian holiday cruise.
Like all of the Wunderschnitzel session drummers, Max Pedelo was not short of his own problems. It was only two years ago that Pedelo broke down at the German MTV Awards and confessed on television to his out of control, sometimes reckless addiction to beef jerky pepperettes, spending up to $300 a day on the small sausages. After that he found help from Eric Clapton, another star who once suffered from the prolonged use of convenience store stick sausage. Ironically, it was Clapton who introduced Pedelo to turkey pepperette slims in 1977 while recording an album in Jamaica.
Magnus Glocken and Ludwig Speil told reporters today at an afternoon media tea event, that they had admired Pedelo's work for years, but they had only met him formally six month ago when Ludwig's wife picked Pedelo's car keys out of a bowl at a party in Klagenfurt. They also hinted that Max Pedelo might well have returned to his pepperette use in recent weeks, after some stubs were found by police stuffed down the side of the chaise lounge in the recording studio. Magnus Glocken added, as he distributed coffee and home made cremeschnitte to the media, that he was really looking forward to getting back to his drum machine, one of the signature sounds that made Wunderschnitzel so popular when the Space Schnitzel Album came out over a decade ago. “The Boss DR-202 has got 400 Preset rhythms, 128 preset drum kits, 207 drum samples and 49 bass samples. It also doesn’t answer back, steal your drugs, sleep with your wife, use your car, ask to borrow some money, eat all the cake and never wash up.”
I'm sure I saw Otto Goldone working in a club in Amsterdam last week, cleaning ping pong balls.
I am sure I saw and had a beer with Otto Goldtone (now calling himself Lars Trommel-Meister - Master drummer!!!) at a pub in Aloa Creek in Northern Queensland. Lars told me he was researching Aborigine drum music and their famous Bush bread (seedcake). He wanted to invent a sweetened version to rival European biscuit makers! I am sure it was him, he had a bag at his feet full of drum sticks!!!
are you sure they were not breadsticks?
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